Download Our Farrier Focus Podcast
The Farrier Focus Podcast shares inspiring tips, techniques, and strategies to help farriers unlock the secrets to succeeding in their businesses. With informative interviews, stories, and ideas, you’ll hear real advice on what it takes to succeed in today’s competitive environment.
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Examples Include
Dr. Doug Butler on Geometric Balance
In this episode, Dr. Doug Butler talks about the basic fundamental skill of farriery of geometric balance. You’ll get a lot out of this discussion that Dr. Butler conducted as part of a teleseminar with his son Jacob Butler.
Interview with Farrier Legend Randy Luikart
In this episode, we interview farrier legend Randy Luikart, who has been shoeing horses for more than 50 years. He is a past president of the American Farrier’s Association and has been inducted into the International Horseshoeing Hall of Fame.
Dr. Doug Butler – Selecting Therapeutic Shoe Solutions
In this episode, Dr. Doug Butler talks about the criteria a farrier should use when selecting which therapeutic shoe solution should be utilized for different foot conditions.
Contact Us
For more information or questions, email Jacob or call 800.728.3826 press 2 or 308.665.1510.
Essential Principles of Horseshoeing
Discover a new interactive way to learn the principles of horseshoeing and humane horse foot care! Essential Principles of Horseshoeing is the latest book now also available in audio format from Doug Butler Enterprises that uses detailed graphs, charts and QR codes that take readers to video demonstrations, just as though you were sitting in the classroom!